When Tooth Extraction Saves Your Oral Health

gainesville tooth extraction

When a tooth cannot receive a crown or other restoration, then this could lead to major problems in your smile unless the tooth is gently removed from your smile. Wisdom tooth extraction could also be necessary to avoid painful impactions as your third molars erupt. At our helpful local Gainesville, TX, dental office, we can help protect your smile with a safe and gentle tooth extraction.

The Reasons to Remove a Tooth

As we mentioned above, we may recommend removing a tooth if it sustains serious damage or develops an advanced case of tooth decay or infection, and treatment with a crown simply isn’t feasible. Otherwise, the tooth could allow infection to reach other parts of your smile. We could also extract teeth loosened by gum disease or remove them to make room for orthodontic treatment. We may even take them out to pave the way for the placement of a dental prosthetic.

One of the more common reasons to extract a tooth is to avoid wisdom tooth impaction. As we reach early adulthood, up to four new molars could arrive, and this could mean misalignment, damaged teeth, infection, and a painful partial eruption known as an impaction. But with tooth extraction, we can protect you from these complications.

How We Plan Your Procedure

To begin, we will examine your smile to assess the exact position of the tooth and to identify blood vessels, nerve tissues, and sinus cavities we want to avoid. To ensure the procedure itself is comfortable for you, even if you have issues with dental anxiety, we can offer a local anesthetic. In addition, our team can provide sedation to help you enter a deep state of calm and relaxation. We want your oral surgery to be a positive experience!

Tooth Extraction and Recovery

Once we have planned the procedure in detail and administered sedation, we will gently extract the tooth with a pair of forceps. For wisdom teeth, we may need to open the gums above them to reach and remove these teeth. We then suture the area closed. You should rest for a day or two to ensure a clot forms and the area heals quickly. Our team will provide any necessary instructions or prescriptions for medications to make the healing period a fast and comfortable experience.

If you have any questions about how we approach wisdom tooth extraction, then contact our team today to learn more.

Schedule Your Tooth Extraction Appointment Today!

Sometimes, oral surgery is necessary to keep your smile strong. If you want to learn more about how we remove a tooth, then schedule appointments for each of you at Grand Avenue Dental in Gainesville, TX, at (940) 668-9000 today!