When you have pain in your jaw or persistent headaches, then this could potentially indicate the presence of TMJ disorder. Also known as TMD, this disorder leads to discomfort and even issues opening and closing your mouth. But we can help! At our helpful local Gainesville, TX dental office, we can provide relief from TMJ discomfort.
The Causes and Symptoms of TMJ Disorder
When your jaw undergoes excessive strain, this could lead to issues with your oral health and cause persistent discomfort. TMJ disorder could lead to discomfort and even difficulty opening and closing your mouth. You could also experience a higher risk of bruxism. The disorder could be brought on by factors that upset bite balance, such as misalignment, injury to the jaw or face, tooth loss, issues with the eruption of your teeth, and probes, with the growth of your smile. Symptoms could include a popping or clicking sensation in your jaw, headaches, migraines, jaw and facial aches, and if you grind your teeth, tooth sensitivity and toothaches. Don’t ignore these potential symptoms; see our team right away to find out if you need treatment for TMJ disorder.
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
With advanced digital technology, our team will thoroughly examine the smile with digital x-rays and more, so we can assess the cause of your imbalance and plan treatment with precision. Our team can then create a plan to address the underlying causes of your discomfort and choose the most appropriate treatment.
Oral Appliances and More
For some, we could use orthodontics to correct misalignment and ease malocclusion. With a custom crown or dental bonding, we could repair damage and boost bite balance, often in one visit. If you have missing teeth, then we can offer a dental prosthetic to restore proper balance and health. But for most, we will offer relief with a simple and comfortable oral appliance. The device will look and function like a mouthguard and is custom-fitted for your smile. When worn at night, this helps reposition your jaw to improve overall bite balance and bring relief. The device is easy to use and clean and can travel with you during the holidays too.
If you have any questions about how we diagnose and treat issues like TMJ disorder, or if you have jaw pain and other symptoms, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you smile with confidence, so reach out today!
Schedule Your TMD Appointment Today!
We want to help you treat issues like TMD to protect your smile from major complications. If you want to learn more about treating TMD, then schedule appointments for each of you at Grand Avenue Dental in Gainesville, TX at (940) 668-9000 today!